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AggregateException - Exception in bolts
Aggregates multiple Throwables that may be thrown in the process of a task's execution.
AggregateException(String, Throwable[]) - Constructor for exception bolts.AggregateException
Constructs a new AggregateException with the current stack trace, the specified detail message and the specified causes.
AggregateException(List<Exception>) - Constructor for exception bolts.AggregateException
APP_LINK_NAVIGATE_IN_EVENT_NAME - Static variable in class bolts.MeasurementEvent
The name for event of handling incoming applink intent.
APP_LINK_NAVIGATE_OUT_EVENT_NAME - Static variable in class bolts.MeasurementEvent
The name for event of navigating out to other apps.
AppLink - Class in bolts
Contains App Link metadata relevant for navigation on this device derived from the HTML at a given URL.
AppLink(Uri, List<AppLink.Target>, Uri) - Constructor for class bolts.AppLink
Creates an AppLink with the given metadata.
AppLink.Target - Class in bolts
Represents a target defined in App Link metadata, consisting of at least a package name, and optionally a URL, class name (for explicit intent handling), and an app name.
AppLink.Target(String, String, Uri, String) - Constructor for class bolts.AppLink.Target
Creates a Target with the given metadata.
AppLinkNavigation - Class in bolts
Represents a pending request to navigate to an App Link.
AppLinkNavigation(AppLink, Bundle, Bundle) - Constructor for class bolts.AppLinkNavigation
Creates an AppLinkNavigation with the given link, extras, and App Link data.
AppLinkNavigation.NavigationResult - Enum in bolts
AppLinkResolver - Interface in bolts
Implement this interface to provide an alternate strategy for resolving App Links that may include pre-fetching, caching, or querying for App Link data from an index provided by a service provider.
AppLinks - Class in bolts
Provides a set of utility methods for working with incoming Intents that may contain App Link data.
AppLinks() - Constructor for class bolts.AppLinks


BACKGROUND_EXECUTOR - Static variable in class bolts.Task
An Executor that executes tasks in parallel.
bolts - package bolts
Bolts - Class in bolts
Bolts() - Constructor for class bolts.Bolts


call(Callable<TResult>, Executor) - Static method in class bolts.Task
Invokes the callable using the given executor, returning a Task to represent the operation.
call(Callable<TResult>) - Static method in class bolts.Task
Invokes the callable on the current thread, producing a Task.
callInBackground(Callable<TResult>) - Static method in class bolts.Task
Invokes the callable on a background thread, returning a Task to represent the operation.
cancelled() - Static method in class bolts.Task
Creates a cancelled task.
Capture<T> - Class in bolts
Provides a class that can be used for capturing variables in an anonymous class implementation.
Capture() - Constructor for class bolts.Capture
Capture(T) - Constructor for class bolts.Capture
cast() - Method in class bolts.Task
Makes a fluent cast of a Task's result possible, avoiding an extra continuation just to cast the type of the result.
Continuation<TTaskResult,TContinuationResult> - Interface in bolts
A function to be called after a task completes.
continueWhile(Callable<Boolean>, Continuation<Void, Task<Void>>) - Method in class bolts.Task
Continues a task with the equivalent of a Task-based while loop, where the body of the loop is a task continuation.
continueWhile(Callable<Boolean>, Continuation<Void, Task<Void>>, Executor) - Method in class bolts.Task
Continues a task with the equivalent of a Task-based while loop, where the body of the loop is a task continuation.
continueWith(Continuation<TResult, TContinuationResult>, Executor) - Method in class bolts.Task
Adds a continuation that will be scheduled using the executor, returning a new task that completes after the continuation has finished running.
continueWith(Continuation<TResult, TContinuationResult>) - Method in class bolts.Task
Adds a synchronous continuation to this task, returning a new task that completes after the continuation has finished running.
continueWithTask(Continuation<TResult, Task<TContinuationResult>>, Executor) - Method in class bolts.Task
Adds an Task-based continuation to this task that will be scheduled using the executor, returning a new task that completes after the task returned by the continuation has completed.
continueWithTask(Continuation<TResult, Task<TContinuationResult>>) - Method in class bolts.Task
Adds an asynchronous continuation to this task, returning a new task that completes after the task returned by the continuation has completed.
create() - Static method in class bolts.Task
Creates a TaskCompletionSource that orchestrates a Task.


forError(Exception) - Static method in class bolts.Task
Creates a faulted task with the given error.
forResult(TResult) - Static method in class bolts.Task
Creates a completed task with the given value.


get() - Method in class bolts.Capture
getAppLink() - Method in class bolts.AppLinkNavigation
getAppLinkData() - Method in class bolts.AppLinkNavigation
Gets the al_applink_data for the AppLinkNavigation.
getAppLinkData(Intent) - Static method in class bolts.AppLinks
Gets the App Link data for an intent, if there is any.
getAppLinkExtras(Intent) - Static method in class bolts.AppLinks
Gets the App Link extras for an intent, if there is any.
getAppLinkFromUrlInBackground(Uri) - Method in interface bolts.AppLinkResolver
Asynchronously resolves App Link data for a given URL.
getAppLinkFromUrlInBackground(Uri) - Method in class bolts.WebViewAppLinkResolver
getAppName() - Method in class bolts.AppLink.Target
getCauses() - Method in exception bolts.AggregateException
Returns the causes of this AggregateException, or null if there are no causes.
getClassName() - Method in class bolts.AppLink.Target
getCode() - Method in enum bolts.AppLinkNavigation.NavigationResult
getDefaultResolver() - Static method in class bolts.AppLinkNavigation
Gets the default resolver to be used for App Link resolution.
getError() - Method in class bolts.Task
getErrors() - Method in exception bolts.AggregateException
Please use AggregateException.getCauses() instead.
getExtras() - Method in class bolts.AppLinkNavigation
The extras for the AppLinkNavigation.
getPackageName() - Method in class bolts.AppLink.Target
getResult() - Method in class bolts.Task
getSourceUrl() - Method in class bolts.AppLink
getTargets() - Method in class bolts.AppLink
getTargetUrl(Intent) - Static method in class bolts.AppLinks
Gets the target URL for an intent, regardless of whether the intent is from an App Link.
getTargetUrlFromInboundIntent(Context, Intent) - Static method in class bolts.AppLinks
Gets the target URL for an intent.
getTask() - Method in class bolts.Task.TaskCompletionSource
getUrl() - Method in class bolts.AppLink.Target
getWebUrl() - Method in class bolts.AppLink


isCancelled() - Method in class bolts.Task
isCompleted() - Method in class bolts.Task
isFaulted() - Method in class bolts.Task
isSucceeded() - Method in enum bolts.AppLinkNavigation.NavigationResult


makeVoid() - Method in class bolts.Task
Turns a Task into a Task, dropping any result.
MEASUREMENT_EVENT_ARGS_KEY - Static variable in class bolts.MeasurementEvent
The field name in the broadcast intent extra bundle that represents Bolts measurement event arguments.
MEASUREMENT_EVENT_NAME_KEY - Static variable in class bolts.MeasurementEvent
The field name in the broadcast intent extra bundle that represents Bolts measurement event name.
MEASUREMENT_EVENT_NOTIFICATION_NAME - Static variable in class bolts.MeasurementEvent
The action of the broadcast intent that represents Bolts measurement event.
MeasurementEvent - Class in bolts
Bolts raises events to the application by sending local broadcasts.


navigate(Context) - Method in class bolts.AppLinkNavigation
Performs the navigation.
navigate(Context, AppLink) - Static method in class bolts.AppLinkNavigation
Navigates to an AppLink.
navigateInBackground(Context, Uri, AppLinkResolver) - Static method in class bolts.AppLinkNavigation
Navigates to an AppLink for the given destination using the App Link resolution strategy specified.
navigateInBackground(Context, URL, AppLinkResolver) - Static method in class bolts.AppLinkNavigation
Navigates to an AppLink for the given destination using the App Link resolution strategy specified.
navigateInBackground(Context, String, AppLinkResolver) - Static method in class bolts.AppLinkNavigation
Navigates to an AppLink for the given destination using the App Link resolution strategy specified.
navigateInBackground(Context, Uri) - Static method in class bolts.AppLinkNavigation
Navigates to an AppLink for the given destination using the default App Link resolution strategy.
navigateInBackground(Context, URL) - Static method in class bolts.AppLinkNavigation
Navigates to an AppLink for the given destination using the default App Link resolution strategy.
navigateInBackground(Context, String) - Static method in class bolts.AppLinkNavigation
Navigates to an AppLink for the given destination using the default App Link resolution strategy.


onSuccess(Continuation<TResult, TContinuationResult>, Executor) - Method in class bolts.Task
Runs a continuation when a task completes successfully, forwarding along Exception or cancellation.
onSuccess(Continuation<TResult, TContinuationResult>) - Method in class bolts.Task
Runs a continuation when a task completes successfully, forwarding along Exceptions or cancellation.
onSuccessTask(Continuation<TResult, Task<TContinuationResult>>, Executor) - Method in class bolts.Task
Runs a continuation when a task completes successfully, forwarding along Exceptions or cancellation.
onSuccessTask(Continuation<TResult, Task<TContinuationResult>>) - Method in class bolts.Task
Runs a continuation when a task completes successfully, forwarding along Exceptions or cancellation.


set(T) - Method in class bolts.Capture
setCancelled() - Method in class bolts.Task.TaskCompletionSource
Sets the cancelled flag on the task, throwing if the Task has already been completed.
setDefaultResolver(AppLinkResolver) - Static method in class bolts.AppLinkNavigation
Sets the default resolver to be used for App Link resolution.
setError(Exception) - Method in class bolts.Task.TaskCompletionSource
Sets the error of the Task, throwing if the Task has already been completed.
setResult(TResult) - Method in class bolts.Task.TaskCompletionSource
Sets the result of the Task, throwing if the Task has already been completed.


Task<TResult> - Class in bolts
Represents the result of an asynchronous operation.
Task.TaskCompletionSource - Class in bolts
Allows safe orchestration of a task's completion, preventing the consumer from prematurely completing the task.
then(Task<TTaskResult>) - Method in interface bolts.Continuation
trySetCancelled() - Method in class bolts.Task.TaskCompletionSource
Sets the cancelled flag on the Task if the Task hasn't already been completed.
trySetError(Exception) - Method in class bolts.Task.TaskCompletionSource
Sets the error on the Task if the Task hasn't already been completed.
trySetResult(TResult) - Method in class bolts.Task.TaskCompletionSource
Sets the result on the Task if the Task hasn't already been completed.


UI_THREAD_EXECUTOR - Static variable in class bolts.Task
An Executor that executes tasks on the UI thread.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum bolts.AppLinkNavigation.NavigationResult
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum bolts.AppLinkNavigation.NavigationResult
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VERSION - Static variable in class bolts.Bolts
The version of the Bolts library.


waitForCompletion() - Method in class bolts.Task
Blocks until the task is complete.
WebViewAppLinkResolver - Class in bolts
A reference implementation for an App Link resolver that uses a hidden WebView to parse the HTML containing App Link metadata.
WebViewAppLinkResolver(Context) - Constructor for class bolts.WebViewAppLinkResolver
Creates a WebViewAppLinkResolver.
whenAll(Collection<? extends Task<?>>) - Static method in class bolts.Task
Creates a task that completes when all of the provided tasks are complete.